While I’m striving to build the most comprehensive virtual assistant company directory and review platform out there, there will always be certain companies I haven’t had a chance to fully research yet.
Still, visitors are searching for information on these companies so I don’t want their search to come up with the disappointing “no results found.”
Here are some of the VA companies people have searched for over the past few months and what limited information I could find. Sometimes it’s just first impressions.
If you have any experience with any of the companies below, please leave a comment to help others in their search. Thanks!
365 Outsource
365Outsource or 365Outsource.com is a BPO provider in the Philippines specializing in SEO and web development.
7 Virtual Assistant Services
7VirtualAssistantServices.com is an India-based VA firm. They didn’t respond to my request for information to add them to this site, then several months later sent me a spam email out of the blue offering their services.
72 Solutions
72Solutions or 72Solutions.com is a call center in the Philippines specializing in outbound telemarketing and lead generation.
ACstant.com is “your assistant via email.” This company has gone through a couple pivots over the years and it looks like their current service is by-invitation only at the moment.
Agent Anything, or AgentAnything.com is a go-fer and errand-running service similar to TaskRabbit, but specializing in using local students. As of 2019, it appears to be out of business.
UK-based call-answering service similar to Call Ruby in the US. Virtual assistant service is also available but no price estimate is given.
AnswerFirst.com is another virtual receptionist service.
AS Direct VA Services
ASDirectVAServices.com is a UK-centered VA company. They’re a little coy about where their workers are actually based, but for 5 quid an hour, it’s definitely not the UK! An email to the contact address provided bounced back immediately so I’m guessing they’re no longer in operation.
A virtual assistant company with a crazy 100% flash-based website. You don’t see that too often anymore! In business since 2001, (although the site has only been around since 2004). I believe the company is owned by Fran Esposito and based in New York. Assistant ToGo and Assistant To Go are possible variations. No relation to the owner of the Twitter handle AssistantToGo.
August 99
August99 specializes in website design and development from their office in Manila.
Azure VA Services was a small Canadian virtual assistant firm. They appear to be out of business.
Backup Men
BackupMen, or BackupMen.com is a task-based virtual assistant service similar to Fancy Hands or My Tasker. I haven’t heard anything from them since late 2011.
Bay Tree VA
Baytree VA is a 10-person UK-based virtual assistant agency.
A popular job board in the Philippines, with the MAJOR downside it is against their terms to post work-from-home overseas jobs. My account was shut down without notice or warning when I went to test out the site. No idea why they have that rule! An alternative would be OnlineJobs.ph.
BizEBee Consulting
Biz E Bee Consulting is a US-based virtual assistant service for real estate agents.
BPO 24 Hour — start-up VA company in the Philippines.
Brightdrop connects small and medium-sized US-based companies with talented virtual assistants in the Philippines.
Bsetc, as in they’ll take care of all your BS, etc, is a popular virtual assistant company based in Ottawa, Canada. Founder Erin Blaskie is a well-known entrepreneur.
Burn Your To Do List
BurnYourToDoList or BurnYourToDoList.com appears to be out of business. Rough since it sold for $85,000 not too long ago!
Buying Time LLC
“Virtual support for your business” from $50-250 an hour.
Call Arup
CallArup is a newer VA company founded by Arup Seth. The virtual admin support is just $6 per hour.
Catch VPA or CatchVPA.com is a personal outsourcing company in India that appears to be out of business. They were a very affordable service, with full-time monthly plans beginning at just $640.
Chatterboss is an app-based (iOS and coming soon to Android) virtual assistant service where you can buy blocks of VA time and send requests via messages to your on-demand assistant team.
Clear View Administration
Clear View provides administrative support to individuals and organisations in the UK.
Cogneesol.com is a trusted ISO 9001:2008 BPO company out of Northern India. They focus on larger clients; 35% of their revenue comes from Fortune 500 companies.
Consider It Done
A small, US-based VA company and virtual concierge.
CrewBloom.com promises sales outsourcing that works.
An enterprise freelance platform with backing from 500 Startups.
Georgia-based outsourced admin company.
Daybreak Virtual
US-based assistants from $50/week.
DesignContest.com is a crowdsourced graphic design platform similar to 99designs.
Design Tasker
As the name suggests, DesignTasker.com provides on-demand graphic design help starting at $49 per task.
Designated PA
DesignatedPA is a London-based virtual personal assistant service specialising in digital marketing and bookkeeping.
Distant Support, or DistantSupport.com is a virtual assistant company in the Philippines. Their website hasn’t been updated since 2010, and they offer no hint as to what kind of rates they charge (or charged, as my guess is they might be shut down).
Dolancing.com is a freelance marketplace trying to gain traction against more established players like Upwork.
Related: Here are a bunch of other freelancing sites like Upwork.
DoMyStuff was a virtual and in-person errand-running service. It appears they’ve had their lunch eaten by TaskRabbit and are all but out of business.
DoNanza.com was a freelance site that ultimately failed to compete with Upwork and went out of business.
Eagle Virtual Assistant
Real estate VAs from Real estate investor Ron LeGrand.
Easy Virtual Assistant
EasyVirtualAssistant.com is a small US-based VA firm.
A recruiting company in India. Their site has not been updated since 2008 so I’m not sure if they are still around or not.
Elite VA
A small VA shop owned by Maria Novey and based in Pennsylvania. No updates to her site since 2006 so not sure if she’s still in business.
Elite-Virtual Assistants
A one-woman show based in Wisconsin. The yahoo email address and stock photos and text on the about us page would be red flags for me.
Elite Virtual-Assistants
Scammy looking VA site (that’s actually offline now). Appears to be owned by a scammy-looking get-rich-quick-type Internet marketer.
eSupportGuru.com is a small virtual assistant company in India. Their website looks pretty crappy and hasn’t been updated since 2009. I got attacked by the floating chat-invite box (which was offline) and it wouldn’t close when I hit the “x”.
EVAS could stand for Executive Virtual Assistant Services, a tiny one-woman VA company out of Yorkshire, England. Or it could reference the EVA virtual assistant app for android smartphones.
EXEC was an on-demand house-cleaning and errand-running service. They were based in San Francisco and charged a flat rate of $25/hr. The company does not appear to be in operation any longer. Handy might be considered the primary alternative.
FlatWorld Solutions
A legitimate outsourcing provider aimed at larger companies.
Folyo.me promises to match you with a qualified freelancer from their “private network of top talent” for a $299 one-time fee.
Freelance Assistant is aimed at signing up workers to become assistants. It’s unclear where the clients come from.
London-based virtual admin assistant start-up.
Geeky Staff or GeekyStaff.com was a Filipino VA company. Now out of business.
Genie Time or GenieTime.com is a VA service supposedly offering “free” assistance by taking advantage of some referral arrangements with their “partners.” I’m unclear on how this works, but they’ve been on radio silence for at least 6 months so the Genie might be back in the lamp.
Ghost Concierge
Personal concierge service for busy individuals. The CEO sent me a spam email pitch out of the blue. Curious why he didn’t have his ghost concierge send it.
Globol Staff, or GlobolStaff.com, is a small outsourcing company in Singapore that specializes in SEO.
Go to Girls
Several companies are using this name or a variation such as Go2Girls or GoToGirls. There is a Denver, Colorado-based VA service from $40/hr, and also a Jacksonville, Florida service from $18/hr.
Graphics Zoo is a service offering unlimited graphic design tasks for a flat monthly fee.
Hatchwise.com hosts facilitates logo design contests and other graphic design services starting at $189.
Hello Smarter
HelloSmarter or HelloSmarter.com is a virtual assistant company in India that looked similar to My Tasker before they went out of business.
Hire Iris
HireIris.com offers a team of all-female virtual assistants starting at $75 a week. How many hours of support included in that $75 is a little harder to tell.
Hit Rate Solutions
Call center operation in the Philippines, that also offers virtual assistants. Pretty bare bones website, with no pricing estimates given for VA service.
Or HR Fax. There are several Ripoff Reports of this company being a giant scam. I would stay away.
iWork Virtual
Several scam complaints about this one too. For legit VA training, check VirtualAssistantForums.com.
JobbaJob is/was a personal assistant service you interface with through Facebook Messenger. They appear to be out of business though. For a similar service, check out Magic.
An mid-sized Indian outsourcing shop that does web development, design, and more. Looking through their portfolio though, I’m not loving their work.
Kaori virtual assistants (meetkaori.com) specialize in bilingual English and Japanese service for personal and small business tasks.
Kloned.co is a London-based virtual PA firm.
Life Bushido is (or was — it’s hard to say if they’re still in operation) a $25/hour VA service aimed at businesses between $100,000 and $1 million in revenue. Fun fact: “bushido” is the code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai.
Part of the Live2Sell group is a call center operation in the Philippines. The CEO, Chris Ducker, also runs Virtual Staff Finder, which might be worth a look for smaller businesses.
I had to test the “Get a Quote in 5 Minutes” box on the LiveHelpIndia.com website. I did get a response with 24-hours, but not within 5 minutes. That’s a tough promise to deliver on for anything that’s not automated. After that though, my subsequent emails have been ignored. Check out other India virtual assistant companies.
Also doing business as LRN.biz. The content of this site is almost identical to the HRFAX site, and has received similar scam complaints. Stay away.
MaaSil Inc
MaaSil is a Paris-based consulting firm that provides highly-skilled employees who speak both French and English. Most of the team is based in Madagascar.
Maxim Liberty
Virtual bookkeeping service in India, with rates starting at $5 per hour.
MBX Assistants
Looks like a scam.
Or Mi PA. Virtual assistant company in India, appears to be out of business. Now MIPA seems to be some sort of AI personal assistant for Microsoft Office.
Miracle Assistant
US-based admin support by Stacey Normandy and team since 2001.
My 365 Assistant, or My365Assistant was a New York-based VA company that has gone out of business.
My VA Team
I contacted them via the form on their website and never heard anything back.
Need a VA
NeedaVA.com offers virtual assistants in the Philippines starting at $495 a month for 10 hours a week of support.
The Offline Assistant
TheOfflineAssistant.com provides support for ecommerce companies, dropshippers, Amazon sellers, and digital marketers. Given the name, I shouldn’t have been surprised when their live chat was “offline” when I visited.
One Virtual Solutions
According to their website, OneVirtualSolutions.com out of the Philippines is a leading provider of virtual assistant services and other business solutions for business professionals, start-ups, and entrepreneurs across the US, UK and Canada.
Out of the Box Virtual Assistant
I couldn’t find any information on this company so I can’t really say anything.
Virtual assistant company gobbled up by Zirtual.
Outsource Office Staff
Global outsourcing firm (Philippines, Pakistan, Nicaragua) with incredibly low rates if you can hire 6 or more full-time VAs. Site hasn’t been updated since 2012 though.
Startup virtual assistant and outsourcing company in Vietnam with a background in SEO service.
Outsourcing Capital
OutsourcingCapital.com provides web design, online marketing, and virtual assistant solutions for startups and small and large businesses.
According to Outturn.ph, “Millions of small businesses use Outturn for Top Quality Talents.” Millions of clients? I don’t believe it for a second.
PA Everyday or PAEveryday is a virtual assistant company in the Philippines. I was in touch with the CEO, Tim Reading, earlier this year, but after a couple emails neither him nor his team continued to reply.
Paragon Planners
ParagonPlanners at ParagonPlanners.com is a US-based support service for sales professionals. When I checked in late 2017 though, their site hadn’t been updated since 2010, so I’m not sure they’re still business.
Pebbled.io offers unlimited graphic and web design tasks for a flat monthly fee. At press time, the rate of $69 AUD a month for unlimited graphic design seems to fall under “too good to be true” range.
Philippine Online Writers
You can probably guess what service these guys offer, but according to their site they have more than just writers. I found out about them after they left a spam comment on this site.
Premier VEBA
PremierVEBA.com is a US-based VA service specializing in “providing entrepreneurs, independent professionals and companies with a comprehensive suite of customized business services.” They’ll quote custom packages based on your needs.
RemoteJobs is a job board in the Philippines that can be more effective than Craigslist in finding qualified virtual assistant candidates. The site is similar in function to OnlineJobs.ph, only it appears to be completely free to use.
Revas offers Real Estate Virtual Assistant Solutions.
RGB Virtual Assistants
Appears to be a scam.
Rightly Written
Rightlywritten or RightlyWritten.com is an on-demand content writing service.
Sales Rain VAs
Also listed as salesrainvas. Newer VA company in the Philippines. Nicely designed site with rates from $250 per month for 5 hrs a week, up to $850 for a full time dedicated VA.
Sher.pa is a new artificial intelligence app: “Everything you need to know without having to ask.” Based in Spain, the app is the #1 personal assistant in the Spanish speaking world with over 1 million users. It doesn’t look like something you can request tasks on, but more of a curation tool to help manage your calendar and attention.
Smart to Finish
SmarttoFinish.com focuses on Infusionsoft support and Internet marketing virtual assistance for coaches and entrepreneurs worldwide.
An outsourcing / staff leasing company in the Philippines. They’ve been in business since 2007 and serve the mid-size business market with professional in-office staff.
Staff Virtual at StaffVirtual.com is a big business process outsourcing firm in the Philippines. They primarily cater to larger companies in need of dedicated remote staff for back office support.
Another scammy operation promising work-from-home jobs.
Superior Task
SuperiorTask.com is a new virtual assistant company in India, with rates starting at $5 an hour. They claim to have over 1600 clients, but the site is riddled with typos.
Supreme Outsourcing
A virtual assistant company in the Philippines, founded in 2011 by Louis Lautman. For full-time VAs, the pricing is pretty attractive, especially for the longer-term contracts.
Supreme Support Service
Outsourcing company in the Philippines
Systems Junction
SystemsJunction.com is a BPO and virtual assistant company in India. They’ve attempted to drop spam comments on this site more than once.
Talk2Assistant.com never responded to my request for information. Check out their flash intro for a good example of a bad example.
Task Angels
TaskAngels.net is a small virtual assistant company in the Philippines from the makers of Task Army.
TaskAnything.com or Task Anything was a small VA company that now appears to be out of business.
Outsource your coding tasks to Task Bucket. They appear to be out of business.
Task Eater (Bangladesh) specializes in offshore team-building service for startups.
TaskHire.com or TaskHire.ca is a Canadian errand-running service similar to TaskRabbit.
TaskHusky.com offers virtual support for Shopify websites.
This VA company’s site is riddled with typos and sent me a cold pitch email that opened with “I must say you have awesome products listed” on my site. Of course there are no products listed on my site.
Find specialists online or locally to get the help you need.
Today’s Admin
Today’s Admin is a US-based virtual assistant company that charges a flat rate of $55 an hour for their services.
Top Hat Concierge
An Atlanta-based virtual concierge service that appears to be out of business. I contacted them for more info several months ago and never got a response.
Trusty Oak
TrustyOak is a boutique VA firm offering all US-based support for small businesses.
Upswing.today offers virtual assistants for real estate agents.
VA4Business.com is a virtual assistant company founded by Steve Arun and with assistants in India and the Philippines.
VAdirectory is a network of virtual assistants where you can submit your VA job for proposals.
Velan Virtual Assistant
Velan offers back office support and virtual assistant services from their office in India.
An affordable virtual assistant service for individuals and businesses based in New Jersey but primarily offering overseas (India?) VAs.
Small New York-based virtual assistant company offering a variety of marketing and admin support functions.
Virtual Assistant Chick
Southern California virtual assistant company founded by April Sullivan. They specialize in helping real estate agents.
Virtual Assistant Forums
A popular and active forum for virtual assistants. You can also submit your request for proposal to the community to hire directly through the site.
Virtual Assistly
VirtualAssistly.com is a Silicon Valley-based startup offering virtual administrative and sales support.
Virtual Office SA
South Africa virtual assistant and virtual office admin company. Website could use a little love. All boilerplate content with no real USP.
Virtual Task Hub
VirtualTaskHub.com is another India-based VA company that attempted to leave spam comments on this site.
Virtual Web Outsourcing
Small virtual assistant company in Davao City, Philippines. No updates since 2011 so not sure if these guys are still in operation. Also VirtualWebOutsourcing or Virtualweboutsourcing.com.
Filipino job board now redirects to RemoteJobs.ph.
We Work Remotely or WeWorkRemotely.com is a jobs board by the team at 37signals (creators of Basecamp) to promote full-time telecommuting positions.
Wonder assistants at GoWonderfully.com provide remote, dual-language, pay-the-minute support for customers in Korea.
Word Agents
WordAgents or WordAgents.com provides outsourced content writing service. I get the impressions it’s a little higher end than something like HireWriters but perhaps below a service like Scripted.
This Canadian site will help you find local freelancers in a variety of skillsets.
WP Radius
WPRadius.com offers unlimited WordPress support for small jobs like Zen WP and Access WP.
WP Tangerine
WPTangerine.com provides WordPress and Woocommerce maintenance support on a monthly subscription.
Yantram BPO, or YantramBPO.com is an outsourcing service in India. Their website is a little rough around the edges but their rates are very low.
YourUSAVA.com is a small California-based VA company. Rates are quoted on a one-on-one basis.
Zaarly started out as a competitor to Task Rabbit but has pivoted to be more of a peer-to-peer marketplace for goods and services.
Although Zapatask.com had one of my favorite names for an outsourcing company, the task-based VA service appears to be out of business.
Zeerk is a Fiverr clone except the prices can range from $2 all the way up to $100.
Have you worked with any of these companies? If so, please leave a quick note down below and let others know about your experience (good or bad!). Thanks!
Building a comprehensive virtual assistant company directory is a fantastic idea, and I totally get the challenge of staying on top of every single company out there. It’s great that you’re still providing whatever information you can find for visitors, even if it’s just a first impression. Many people rely on reviews and real experiences to guide their choices, so inviting others to share their insights is a great way to build a collaborative, helpful resource. This kind of community input can make a huge difference for others looking for the right VA service.
A great list and expecting my team to soon jump into your list and look further.
I have been going through your blogs since long time, you provide exact information regarding the other virtual assistant companies. So, anyone searching for same topic may find their shelter here. I am sure many people will come to read this in future. Great blog indeed, will visit again future to read more!!
We would like to get listed in here, thanks.
I would love to know how to get listed in here. I know a great virtual assistant company also this is their website. https://www.signaturevirtualassistance.com
Great list and hoping to hop into your list soon.
Get Virtual Assistants is providing seamless service of Virtual Assistants.
At Clear View Administration, we have been providing support to individuals and organisations for the past 5 years. We enable you to spend times on your core business, safe in the knowledge that your tasks are in expert hands with our virtual assistant services.
Hope to get in your list in next post.
Pebbled.io are crazy mofos!
I had a really terrible experience with Pebbled.io a year ago. They wasted a lot of my time. Luckily my bank actually refunded the cost of the 2 months on the Enterprise plan after I reported it to them.
Very poor response by Pebbled and after I tried to cancel, they still charged me. They enjoy giving their unfortunate customers the run around and make sure that they provide you with nothing useable but string you along enough that you think that they’re going to do it so you stick with it…
I have been using GetFriday virtual assistant services for the past 2 months and I would suggest GetFriday for executives and startups who are looking for virtual personal assistants.
Pebbled.io offers unlimited web design services per month for as low as $79 AUD but with the rate that they’re doing things, you’d be lucky if you get one logo design in a month. They’re too slow and they don’t seem to be bothered that they’re always behind deadlines. Even worse if you don’t follow them up. It’s good they offer a 15-day trial. They’re only good for one-off task.
Intellect Outsource is a virtual assistant service provider for ecommerce business.
Hi Nick,
As you said, you don’t want somebody to be looking for a specific Virtual Assistant company, so I wanted to let you know we are a VA company offering project management and all aspects of business. We deal mostly in Real Estate, but are always taking on new clients with different interests. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Hey Nick,
Thanks for this blog. provided Great information provided. I really appreciate your writing. I like the way you put across your ideas. Awesome, keep it up.
I saw our company on your list and wanted to provide some additional info. We are a fully managed office in Bacolod, Philippines, providing inbound and outbound call center services, as well as virtual assistants. We work in blocks of time as short as two weeks (80 hours) and our base rate is $7/hr. We provide dedicated assistants/callers to every client, and allow clients to screen and select who will be assigned to their campaign before any work is done. I’d be happy to discuss our service with anyone who is interested.
I’m may be interested in some real estate warm calling. Have some questions. Please email me.
I am a skilled virtual assistant and starting to have a small in-house staff for additional clients.
Hope to get in your list soon.
Thanks for this list! While browsing it, I found myself scanning for “operational” vs “defunct” sites- I’m a little interested in the history of the ones that went out of business or are “zombies,” and more interested in the operations that are still viable. Think about separating this list under those two headers to make it more valuable.
Hey Nick,
This is such an awesome, comprehensive list of VA’s for all different levels of support. Thanks so much for including my company Virtual Assistant Chick!
April Sullivan
Csquires Group LLC is a scam, well was a scam, I did a bunch of task for them for a month, never got paid and now the site is down and non existing. They have all my info which makes me worry, but thankfully my credit is so beat they cant do anything drastic with it. beware of work from home companies.
I received an email from Csquires Group LLC for the virtual assistant position. I am skeptical. I do not want to give my information to a scammer. Is this legit?