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Outsource.com is a platform that connects clients with freelancers or members of their in-house team best suited to handle their tasks.

They have a team of 10 operational staff in their head office in Dallas, Texas. Their 2,000+ freelancers and in-house virtual assistants are based in India.

Important Note: The domain Outsource.com changed hands in 2018. The previous owners had built a freelance platform widely derided as a scam by users on this site. They went on to change names to Remote.com, and put the old “Outsource” name up for sale. If you see any reviews of Outsource.com dated prior to 2018, please know those refer to the old company with a completely different ownership and business model.

About Outsource.com

The company was founded and is run by Rajesh Rajaram. Originally starting out with Developscripts LLC in 2011. In 2014 Auctionsoftware.com was formed, then Casecamp.com in 2016, and in early 2018 Outsource.com was formed.

These companies complement each other and provide support aiding Outsource managing their clients. Casecamp is a web-based online project management software tool Outsource used to integrate clients with freelancers, and Auctionsoftware powers some of their software tools.

How Outsource.com Works

When you sign up with Outsource, all you need to do is post your job requirements and wait for a member of their team to get back to you.

They will look through their database of freelancers to find the best-suited worker to complete your work. You’ll get a quote on the expected costs of the job and access to the chosen freelancer’s profile.

You can then discuss the job with the freelancer via their messaging system. This gives you the opportunity to interview them and get a feel for how well their skills match up to your requirements.

If you don’t feel like it’s going to be a good fit, you can make more connections. The cost of making contact with more workers depends on the monthly plan you signed up with. (See below for pricing info.)


Outsource.com specialize in helping clients design and complete projects that can be completed remotely.

They have a suite of online tools to help facilitate a smooth integration with their freelancers and have skilled team members in-house overseeing the project management side.

With a large database of more than 2000 freelancers, they also have a deep talent pool to help with day-to-day business tasks and other commonly outsourced tasks, such as:

  • Data analysis
  • Web development
  • Social media marketing
  • Web design
  • Graphic design
  • App development
  • Software programming

Although you will develop a working relationship with freelancers once you find a match, Outsource offer 24/7 support from both their Dallas and India locations if you have any questions or run into any problems.

Plans and Pricing

Outsource has three different monthly subscription plans as follows:

  1. Silver – Free. With this plan you can choose between freelancers or agency workers and connect with one proposed worker.
  2. Gold – $20 per month. With this plan you work with freelancers only and can make up to 20 connections.
  3. Platinum – $100 per month. With this plan you work with agency workers only. You can conduct 5 video interviews and connect with up to 75 workers.

You can connect with additional workers within each of the plans at a cost of $1 per additional connection.

The cost of connecting with additional workers, transaction charges, and service fees are also lower the higher the plan you sign up for.

Outsource.com Alternatives

If you’re looking for freelancers, then UpWork and Freelancer.com are two of the largest marketplaces to browse and find candidates to meet your requirements. Based on the pricing chart above, they also consider TopTal a competitor.

You’ll have to do the searching and vetting yourself however if you go through open marketplaces like these.

Using Outsource.com removes a lot of the legwork and gives you the software to communicate with the freelancers on their books and manage your workflow.

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