Overall Rating11111
Quality of Work11111
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UPDATE: It appears GhostBloggers is out of business. Please see below for alternative content writing services.

GhostBloggers is a content marketplace where you can buy quality written content on any topic for your website, blog, ebooks, or whatever else you need material for.

The company was founded in 2010 and is based out of San Francisco, though their growing nework of more than 4000 writers works virtually throughout the country. They specialize in ghostwriting from US-based, native English-speaking writers.

About GhostBloggers

ghostbloggers reviewMost customers of Ghostbloggers.net are start-ups with blogs and content marketers with deadlines, a high volume of content needs, and no in-house writers on staff.

The company aims to make the content workflow easier for businesses by connecting them with writers that can deliver the highest quality of content possible.

As quality written content has become more and more important for SEO, it’s also become an important entry-point for new customers to discover your brand and help spread your message virally on social media.

GhostBloggers Intro Video

GhostBloggers Services

There are two primary services:

  1. The content marketplace.
  2. Writing on-demand.

With the content marketplace, you can search for unique, pre-written articles on the topics or keywords you need, buy them outright, and plug them immediately into your website or blog.

Because Ghostbloggers marketplace writers are invited to write about the topics they are personally interested in and passionate about, rather than having to research a topic that’s boring or foreign to them, the quality is presumably higher and has better “voice” than you might find at other content sources.

All articles are proofread before they hit the marketplace.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for amongst the pre-written content, you can submit an article request and have a qualified writer create your content from scratch.

Buyers can also elect to receive notifications of relevant new articles that are added to the collection that might fit their needs based on order history, keywords, and subject matter.

Plans and Pricing

The price of each article is based on the total word count, and the standard rate is $3.50 per 100 words. At that rate, a typical 550 word blog post costs $19.25.

Writers are free to adjust their prices higher or lower based on how long it took them to create each article and its presumed quality.

These rates a higher than you’ll find at some other writing services, but they’re not unreasonable for pre-proofread content written by native English speakers.

GhostBloggers Alternatives

There is certainly no shortage of options when it comes to finding outsourced content writing. If you have enough work to justify it, you might consider hiring a freelance writing virtual assistant on an ongoing basis.

Otherwise, you might take a look at Copywriter TodayHireWriters, Scripted, EpicWrite and others. Of those, I feel like only Scripted attempts to match the “premium” positioning of Ghostbloggers.

Have you purchased content from Ghostbloggers.net? What did you think? Please share a quick review of your experience below to help others with their decision.

39 Reviews

    • 11111
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    I wrote for this site quite a while ago and at first, I really liked the way the website looked. I liked the way everything was laid out, the way assignments were listed, etc. There weren’t really any good reviews at the time, so I decided to give it a shot. I wrote 2 articles and was done. THIS SITE IS A COMPLETE SCAM!! I wrote one article when I first started and wrote another one while awaiting payment for the first. Several months went by and never received any payment. Avoid this site at all costs!

    • 11111
    • Not Rated
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    Get this vile creature’s website closed immediately. He is a parasite of epic proportions, making money out of other’s work, hopes and aspirations. If he is not sorted out soon, I may take matters into my own hands. Does anyone have details as to his whereabouts? I’ve filed a complain with the FBI, but alas, the site continues to draw aspiring writers who are soon disappointed by consistent lack of payment. Please go to Constant-Content or Textbroker, not this immoral blood-sucking leech. His address please.

  1. All these comments are so true and outstanding. For those who want a reputable company, give textbrokers a try. You are paid every week, normally many subjects and more work than you can handle and some of the most reliable, fantastic and helpful customer service ever, also hubpages.com is excellent. I have been with them both now for over a year. I absolutely hate ghostbloggers, there is no worst site to write for. I hope that they will be shut down for one of the biggest scams and incompetent company on the web. They definitely are rotten and have nothing but trouble with them. Even a score of 1 in any category is too high, how about a negative 5? I as many of you did, learned the hard way. But hopefully our outrageous, terrible experiences with this horrendous company will spread the word to help others not to get sucked in.

    1. Hi Linda!
      Just wanted to ask you whether if hubpages pays you for the writing services, for example the articles, you provide to them?

    • 11111
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    They owe me over 500 dollars, will file complaints to the fed, IC3, BBB, FTC etc. Scamsters, do not write articles for them. Consider building your own website and selling your articles on your own web platform or creating websites with affiliate links to make some extra cash. Good luck everyone!

    • 11111
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    I have gone into my profile and changed the text against ‘profession’ to ask people not to buy my content from Ghostbloggers and pointing them to my own website where they can access the same articles. At least this way I will hopefully alert some buyers to the issues with this site. I have also reported them for fraud and contacted their web hosts, to no avail. I can’t believe that they are getting away with this. They seem to have whacked the prices up recently as well – one of my articles that was previously listed for around $30 is now showing as over $50! Hopefully it’s because people are getting wind of their reputation and are going elsewhere (although I suspect more likely just greed on ghostbloggers part). I don’t know what else to do now, other than just carry on replying to their tweets by asking for the money they owe me! What upsets me most is that people are still signing up to the site.

    • 11111
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    I bought a article by depositing money, I have been asking for refund of the excess amount i have deposited. As per FAQ they do refund but NONE of my support emails are acknowledged.


  2. If you’ve been ripped off by ghostbloggers.net, here is another step that you can take. File a complaint with the FTC and his site domain server. Others here have also offered good info on shutting this crook down for good. Do what others here have suggested.

    Also, don’t give up and think that nothing can be done. He’s arrogant enough to keep selling your work and pocketing your hard-earned money because he thinks that you won’t do anything! Prove him wrong!

    Report him to the BBB in HIS area. It’s Culver City CA. He thinks that he’s smarter than everyone else. All of the following info will help, but only if you put your complaints in writing. Take a look at this info…



    Report him for Internet fraud using the link that someone else left. Publish the articles that he hasn’t sold on your own blog like another person suggested. Add a note to each one that explains why you had to do it. Paypal WILL shut him down after buyers file complaints on previously published content that they’ve purchased.

    FTC – http://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/

    Here is a link that will significantly help. It’s the crook’s domain server. Write their abuse desk and explain your situation. You’ll see ‘Abuse Desk’ in the drop-down menu. We can shut him down for good! It will only take a few minutes.

    Domain Server for ghostbloggers.net – https://mediatemple.net/company/about-us/#contact

    • 11111
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    STEER CLEAR! Such a huge scam. Sold a few of my articles months ago. I was never compensated, never received a message or email back from the ten messages I sent this is “business”. They stole my writings and made money. How does this guy sleep at night? What a joke…. How is this site still up and running after hundreds of writers making the EXACT claim. I wrote the BBB, the internet fraud claim center and now I will be contacting the city council in the town he lives in. He thinks he can steal from hundreds/thousands of innocent people and get away with it? Are you kidding me? We have to do something and put a stop to this. He should be in jail for criminal charges.

    • 11111
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    Marcos Moralez UI UX Designer from the San Francisco Bay Area is the owner of Ghostbloggers.net. He’s the guy that isn’t paying his writers ANY of the money that he collects for articles that sell on the site. Avoid dealing with him at all costs whether it’s website design or anything else. He will step on anyone to get to the top. He has no conscience. He must not be very good at what he does either as far as website design goes since he feels the need to keep ALL of the profits from his Ghostblogger.net writers. Shame on you, Marcos Moralez UI UX Designer! Pay those writers and sell that site to someone who will give writers a fair chance to sell their work and earn a living.

  3. Here is the guy’s LinkedIn account if it helps anyone in their efforts to contact him and/or provide info to the Internet crime site. Take a screenshot of the part where he lists his site, Ghostbloggers.net. He’s all over the Internet, and he’s tarnishing his own name and reputation by not paying writers and stealing 100% of the profits.


    • 11111
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    I regret not reading these reviews earlier. I registered an account less than 24 hours ago and ghostbloggers.net had no problem allowing me to post 19 articles for sale. Today, I tried logging into the site and my account was deactivated. How do I get the rights to my articles back and where do non-US residents file complaints?

    1. The articles are still your property. If he isn’t paying people, and you don’t have access to your work, I would post all of those articles on your own blog. That way if he sells them, the buyers will see that they’re already published, and they’ll file Paypal disputes. Paypal will shut him down before long. Be sure to post a note on your blog as to why they’ve been published there. That way the buyers from his site will know what’s going on. In the future when he’s gone and you don’t want to keep the articles on a blog, you can put in requests to Google to un-index the articles, should you decide to do something else with them. Here’s the link for that.


      I had to publish them myself to get him to remove my work from his site, deactivate my account and pay me, and I was finally able to use my unsold work again.

      You should still report him for Internet fraud using the link on this page. Maybe after so many complaints they’ll take it seriously and shut him down for good. I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s a terrible feeling. The guy has absolutely no regard for others.

        1. Hi, Jeff. After I published the remaining articles myself and turned him in to Internet Fraud, I received payment the next day, and my account was closed as requested. He probably figured that he’d have Paypal buyer disputes to deal with if any of the remaining articles sold. That’s the only way to fight someone like that. Paypal would have shut him down if too many complaints came in. I had 22 remaining articles. After they were unindexed, I was able to use them again. I wasn’t about to let it go. Good luck collecting. I know how bad I felt when it happened to me.

    • 11111
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    I recently tried to log in to my account in April 2015, (opened in April 2014) and it said that it was “deactivated.” I never closed it myself, and when I tried to get help logging in, no one replied to my emails.

    I also emailed a Marcos Moralez (MMoralez@ghostbloggers.net) who had helped me back in 2014, and he did not reply either.

    Since I was under the impression that my account had been “deactivated” I registered again.

    Then, mysteriously, on June 8, I received an email that said I sold an article, which was something I wrote the first time I signed up, but how could I have sold anything if my account was, in fact, “deactivated?”

    I never received an email with notice of payment from GhostBloggers like I had in the past, and there was no payment in PayPal, so where and to whom did my money go? Apparently, my account and articles are out there, but I cannot access my account, because no one replies to my emails.

    I am not happy! I will be reporting them to the internet crime site and to the BBB. I also will try to start a petition to get them shut down, as it appears I am not the only one being taken advantage of!

    1. I don’t know how the guy sleeps at night knowing how much he owes countless people. Apparently, he just doesn’t care. Although I was eventually paid in full, and my demand to take down my account was fulfilled, he keeps 100% of the profits of unsuspecting writers. I wish that more people would see these complaints before submitting to Ghostbloggers.net. More importantly, I wish the guy would do the right thing and pay all who are owed and sell the site or shut it down entirely. Theft is theft whether online or in a brick and mortar business. Once again, here is the place to report Internet fraud. http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx

  4. I was scammed by ghostbloggers.net too! I have sold 3 articles total of 158.00 and have requested payout 4 months ago which never went into my paypal. I have emailed them numerous times about my complaint and not once has anyone ever responded. It is such a shame that this a scam and not a legit company. I wanted to post this so maybe it will get around to avoid others stress, grief, and loss of hard earned money that rightfully belongs to the owner in which ghostbloggers takes and keeps which doesn’t belong to them. I hope whoever reads this will help someone and I hope everyone will take heed to the warning!

    • 11111
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    They haven’t paid for three of my articles. I got only two paid to my account. Of course they never respond to emails, or inquiries on their platform. Sighs, stay away from them!

    1. Thanks, JSandberg. They sent payment the day after I turned them in for Internet fraud on the link that I provided in one of my posts above. I didn’t receive an explanation or an apology, and that’s fine. I really didn’t want one. All that I ever wanted was the money that I was rightfully owed and my intellectual property back. They granted my request to remove the rest of my work and close my account. It’s really too bad on all accounts. If they had paid as they should, it would have been a great place to sell my work. They would have profited too. It could have been a great online business. Writers need to be wary. Just because a site looks professional doesn’t mean that it is.

  5. Maybe some of you should start posting your reviews on their Facebook page. I was suspicious because I just signed up with them and sent 2 emails without a response from them. So I did some searching and found your reviews.

    1. It’s a good idea, but they’ll just delete the posts. I’ve already mentioned this, but I think that everyone should post their unpaid articles and those that are up for sale on a personal blog. Buyers will file Paypal disputes when they find them already published. Paypal won’t put up with it for long.

  6. Ghostbloggers is a thievery site and I wish I had never posted my articles on the site. I have sold two articles which I was notified about. Requested a payoff and was notified it was being sent to Paypal then never was. I’ve tried multiple times to contact them and not one time have they responded. They stole my work, plain and simple and will always work now, to expose them to other sites that list writing sites as a way to freelance. I will warn others to steer clear of Ghostbloggers.

  7. Is it fair for them to hold on to your money by saying they have a minimum payout? I have only sold one article but I still feel it is my money and I can’t get it. If I do not sell any more,it means that I will never get my money. The requests have very little information on them so you have to write at least 500 words with very little background information. There is no way of contacting the client to ask him anything.

  8. Ghostbloggers is yet to honor my payment request. I decided to search for latest reviews of the site and what do I find? Other writers saying they too have not been paid. Go figure. Both writers and content buyers should avoid that site by all means, and I will definitely be spreading the word on LinkedIn and other mediums that they are thieves.

    • 11111
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    They have stopped paying! They are more than 4 months overdue on one payment and I requested another cashout since then.

    I have emailed them multiple times and have had no response. I believe the website changed hands a few months back and the new owner is scamming all of the writers by keeping 100% of the earnings when an article sells.

    There is no way to remove your articles to sell them elsewhere, I have had close to a thousand dollars worth of content stolen.


      • 11111
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      Anyone that wasn’t paid should post the articles that are still on the site on their own blog along with a note. Whoever buys them will likely search, and when they find them already published, they will demand a refund. After a few disputes, Paypal will close their account.

      They have until noon tomorrow to pay me for articles that sold more than two months ago. I will publish the ones that I wasn’t paid for and those that are still up for sale if they ignore my latest request.

      A person shouldn’t have to beg for money they earned. They shouldn’t even have to ask for it after submitting a payment request.

    1. Anyone who was scammed by Ghostbloggers.net should file a formal complaint. Here is the link to the FBI’s Internet fraud division. They take fraud very seriously, and keeping money that should be paid to writers for their intellectual property is blatant theft. Don’t just forget about it. The scum will continue posting and selling articles. Here is the link for filing a complaint.


        • 11111
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        I’ve had the same issue as everyone else. Sent my complaint where Crystal left her link. Even then Ghostbloggers still don’t care.

        I will be fighting continuously until these lowlifes are brought to justice.

        1. Search his name – Marcos Moralez. He’s apparently an Emmy award-winning site designer, or so he claims. Use those search terms on Google, and more than 7,000 results come up. He’s on LinkedIn and many other popular sites. I would think that he would be concerned with word getting around about his site, Ghostbloggers.net and how he’s stealing from the writers. Maybe local law enforcement needs to get involved. He isn’t in San Francisco as the site says. That was the first site owner. I think that he’s in Culver City, CA. With all of his public links and posts, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out.

        • 11111
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        I have had the same problems as everyone here and that is why I started doing some research. My account was mysteriously closed on me when I recently tried to login. I have submitted several emails to them without any response. A couple of weeks ago I received an email that I sold an article, but no payment, and no way to sign in to my account! I am going to report them and we should start a petition to get them shut down!

    • 11111
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    GhostBloggers did not pay me for my sold articles! So, I would not recommend this site to anyone! The owners of GhostBloggers still have a presence on FaceBook, but they have ignored all my requests (emails, messages) to be paid. I have learned my lesson!

    1. Had the very same thing happen recently. Was notified that I ha two articles sell, together totaling over $40.00. Then was notified that the payment was being sent to Paypal and it never was. I have tried contacting Ghostbloggers multiple times with no reply. It has been frustrating and I wish I could post my experience with them all over the web. What they did, is basically steal my work.

      I am ashamed that I wrote for them and will try to find avenues to let other writers to steer clear of Ghostbloggers!

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Quality of Work